Everyday I'm Pastorin'

I have exactly three items on my calendar for the upcoming days:

One is our Sunday morning flight to Tel Aviv.
One is preaching the following Sunday.
And one is a church council meeting.

This isn’t exactly a packed schedule, but to me it looks fabulous. Yesterday, as I waited at the County Health Department for my second Hepatitis B shot, I was asked for the umpteenth time the question: “Why in the world would you go to Jerusalem?” Usually, I give some version of a dissertation on the theology of accompaniment, the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of the Lutheran church in Jerusalem. This time, I answered simply, “Because I’m a pastor.”

After five weeks on the road and nearly two months since I left my call in Illinois, I can’t even put into words how eager I am to have: 1. An address, 2. My own bed, 3. A pulpit to preach in, and 4. A community with whom I can share communion.

Photo by The Rev. Cordell Strug

This in-between time has been a great reminder that being a pastor isn’t just what I do, it’s who I am. Last night, instead of the usual anxiety dream of the past few weeks, I actually dreamt about going to visit a new church member in the hospital. (*Note to Redeemer folks: No, I don’t believe in premonitions, and no, I don’t know who it was! Be not afraid!) And yes, I’m actually excited about having a church council meeting to attend.

T minus two days to deployment. Let’s do this. 

(Also, for a good laugh, if you've never seen it: Everyday I'm Pastoring )


  1. You are a wonderful writer Pastor Carrie, thank you for sharing with us.

  2. I look forward to following your journey. You're a true inspiration. Be safe in your travels!


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