Pentecost & Confirmation at Redeemer Jerusalem


On Sunday, 20 May 2018 the English-speaking congregation witnessed the Affirmation of Baptism of three young members. (Photos by Ben Gray/ELCJHL)

For the past school year, Teodor, Jonas, and Sylvia have met with Pastor Carrie for lessons on the Bible, the Small Catechism, and discipleship. On Pentecost, these three amazing 9th graders stood before the congregation and gave powerful faith testimonies.

Jonas, from Norway, spoke about 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. He talked about how he would need to be strong and courageous in life, especially when he moves back to Norway and must leave his friends. With God's help, he knows he can be strong! We were especially impressed that he quoted Bishop Michael Curry's sermon from the Royal Wedding, which had happened just he day before!

Jonas Haraldstad Landsverk

Teo (Jonas' twin brother), spoke on Matthew 5:38-42. He gave a very detailed interpretation of this portion of the Sermon on the Mount. He says that he thinks the world would be very different if everyone tried to follow Jesus' teachings. He especially thinks things could change here in Israel and Palestine if people could choose love over revenge. Amen, Teo!

Teo Haraldstad Landsverk

Sylvia (the daughter of ELCA missionaries Ben and Adrainne Gray) spoke about Matthew 25:31-40. She related a story of visiting a homeless community in Atlanta, before she moved to Jerusalem. She noticed how often the people who have the least to give, give the most. She says she has also noticed this among the Palestinian people she has come to know here--even though they are going through a terrible time, they show great hospitality and generosity to others.

Sylvia Gray

What an uplifting day it was! We all felt very inspired. We were also thrilled to welcome to worship the president of the African Descent Lutheran Association, Pastor Lamont Wells, and Bishop Emeritus Munib Younan.

The Rev. Lamont Wells, Bishop Emeritus Munib Younan, Pr. Carrie Smith, Deacon Adrainne Gray

Please join us in giving thanks to God for Jonas, Teo, and Sylvia, and praying that their faith in Christ would continue to grow!

BONUS: This was a new song we sang in worship on Sunday. It was written by the director of the Oslo, Norway Gospel Choir (a little nod to the home country of two of the confirmands!)
It may be a new favorite for us in Jerusalem. Enjoy!
